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5. Fs Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy Spectrometer
Three pulses are involved. An actinic pump pulse excites the molecule to trigger a photochemical reaction. The vibrational transitions of the molecule, represented by its Raman spectrum, is then probed at various time delays by two simultaneous pulses, a narrowband Raman pump pulse and a broadband probe pulse. The time resolution is limited only by cross correlation of the actinic pump and Raman probe pulses, which is 100 fs.
Three independent laser pulses, one detection scheme
Instrument type
Complexity level
Experimental tool for investigating ultrafast structural and vibrational dynamics of systems in excited state on a time scale 0-4 ns. The method is extremely sensitive to changes in nuclear coordinates as small as 0.01 A and allows watching a chemical or biological reaction in real time.