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For several decades, we have been at the forefront of development and implementation of cutting-edge ultrafast and non-linear spectroscopies for the understanding of time-resolved processes in materials and molecular systems. In this time, we have built up a large platform of stationary and time-resolved spectroscopies such as fluorescence up-conversion, pump-probe and pump-dump-probe spectroscopy, time-resolved and stimulated Raman spectroscopy, hyper Raleigh scattering, photo-dissociation spectroscopy, and the corresponding methodologies for data-analysis. We applied these methods to study electron, proton and energy transfer and structural changes in super- and supramolecular (bio)systems ranging from covalently bound donors and acceptors over J-aggregates, conjugated polymers, confined metal clusters, perovskites and bulk heterojunctions to photoreactive and photo-switchable proteins. Often these materials had potential for applications in catalysis, photovoltaics, (O)LEDS, fluorescent probes and X-Ray detectors.


High-quality spectroscopy experiments are crucial to probe linear and non-linear photonic, photophysical and photochemical processes as fast as tens of fs, with micrometer spatial resolution and single molecule sensitivity. Of equally importance is the study of structural dynamics using advance time-resolved X-ray diffraction methods. The insights thus generated are important for novel applications, e.g. tailored to our society’s needs. A prominent example can be found in research related to green chemistry and energy production (photocatalysis, electrocatalytic nitrogen conversion,..)


The CFAS core facility will focus on

  1) further development and application of state-of-the art time-resolved and non-linear laser spectroscopy techniques for advanced physical/chemical/(bio)material research and

 2) providing its users with the right analytical tools for non-invasive investigation in a broad range of research fields. Considering the nanoscale organization of a large part of the investigated materials it is also important to obtain detailed structural information by combining temporal with spatial resolution.

A Large Collaborative Network

These research activities and long-standing reputation in the field have also attracted many fruitful academic collaborations. Internationally, long-term collaboration has been established with University of Toronto in Canada (Prof Ted Sargent), Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, Xiamen University in China , UC Berkeley in US, Hokkaido University in Japan, Brookhaven National Laboratory in USA and companies like Agfa, IMEC and Samsung Electronics etc.. Based on the experience gained we are confident that the CFAS core facility provides the involved parties, collaborators and stakeholders with the unique one-stop access to the state-of-the-art spectroscopy technologies, in Belgium, at the crossroad of chemistry, physics, materials and biology, with excellent service in terms of technological advice and assistance from our in-house experts.


The organization structure of CFAS is presented bellow and outlines the decision flow from top to down and distribution among various levels of the organization. The organizational structure includes rules, roles, and responsibilities to allow CFAS to remain efficient and focused.



One-stop solution to address complex questions of photophysical and photochemical processes in advanced materials


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